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New Top Flight Resturants

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  • New Top Flight Resturants

    Anything new to the strip for 2017 that is a great experience and the food to match? Willing to go up to $300 for two for the right place.

  • #2
    I love Bardot at Aria. It is ot new but only been open a couple of year and it deserves all the good press and reviews that is gets! hth. I also have only been to Beauty and Essex in NYC but it was great and I heard the one in LV is very good too!
    Last edited by cchavez; 09-02-2017, 02:25 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks. I have been eyeing both of those as well as Rose Rabbit Lie. Always looking for different experiences that are not a typical restaurant atmosphere.


      • #4
        Carbone at Aria is one of my new favorites, and it's certainly not a typical restaurant atmosphere. In the best possible way, it feels like you're stepping into a time machine to 1960s NYC supper club. Dim lights, big booths, lots of tableside service (complete with updated versions of retro classics such as Steak Diane and Bananas Foster), Motown music and a wonderful wine list.

        Bazaar Meat at the SLS is also fantastic. José Andres is the chef, a big name in the restaurant scene if you aren't familiar. Some really interesting/boundary pushing dishes (foie gras cotton candy for example) and as the name implies, really fantastic meat preparations.

        +1 for Bardot too!

        Neither are new to 2017 but within the last couple years.
        "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess." -Oscar Wilde


        • #5
          Thanks Graf. I proposed SLS to the wife and she wasn't to interested. Now Carbone sounds like something that would be interesting!


          • #6
            Ended up at Bardot for breakfast Saturday morning after a table night at XS. Great breakfast sandwich. Damn thing was massive!


            • #7
              +1 for Carbone

              New this spring was Morimoto's @ MGM -- great sushi from an Iron Chef.


              • #8
                Heard some good things about Morimotos.


                • #9
                  Sounds like I'll have to check Morimotos out next week for lunch one day. Was looking for sushi and the conference is hosted at MGM, so it all works out.


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