BEST hangover cure??? - Las Vegas Nightclubs - Message Board, Forum & Trip Reports

BEST hangover cure???

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  • #16
    Cocktail of:
    Pedialyte (or Diarlyte as we have in the UK)
    2xBerrocca tablets
    2x paracetamol / advil
    Hope for the best in terms of sleep in those fcking vegas hotels!

    DO NOT mix with champagne as a couple of us did on our last trip one night!


    • #17
      Stay consistent on the types of drinks and not venture to far one way or the other. Definitely hydrate throughout the day.

      Thing we said in the Navy that I still follow:
      Liquor before beer all clear
      Beer before liquor never sicker
      Happily sponsoring the Las Vegas economy since July 1996


      • #18
        This next time around in Vegas I will be going to Push.

        Interesting is only 1 mile walk from Cosmo across the freeway to Dean Martin Drive.

        Quick question though... is this safe.. ie.. to walk it... i have never ventured off the strip? or best to just take the 4min-10min cab ride?


        • #19
          I would take the cab ride, especially if you're hungover.

          I don't think it's a magical cure, but coconut water when I wake always works for me. I haven't had a hangover yet.
          I'm not bitchy, I'm just drawn that way.


          • #20
            Originally posted by AusVIP View Post
            This next time around in Vegas I will be going to Push.

            Interesting is only 1 mile walk from Cosmo across the freeway to Dean Martin Drive.

            Quick question though... is this safe.. ie.. to walk it... i have never ventured off the strip? or best to just take the 4min-10min cab ride?
            if you're in bad enough shape to need IV service, you do NOT want to be walking a mile in the Vegas sun.


            • #21
              Two motrins and PH water.


              • #22
                It is best to avoid medications like Tylenol (acetaminophen) while drinking. Tylenol is extremely tough on your liver, which is also where your body metabolizes all the booze you are drinking. Excessive Tylenol use while drinking can damage your liver.

                Advil (ibuprofen) works for pain, but is also very hard on your stomach. Use of ibuprofen over a period of time, without eating can cause the lining of your stomach to degrade, creating ulcers. If you are a chronic drinker, odds are your stomach lining has already been degraded from the alcohol.

                Alka Seltzer has been known to help with nausea due to its sodium bicarbonate content. That would help with dry heaves so that proper fluid and electrolytes can be consumed.

                Avoid diuretics like caffeine and more alcohol. Your body needs fluid replacement from the dehydrating effects of the alcohol. A quick beer, or big meals won't "soak up" the booze because by the time you wake up, your body has already metabolized it and you're feeling the dehydration side effects. Caffeine and other stimulant drinks actually raise your blood pressure which makes the hangover much worse, symptom-wise.

                When going big, I always drink one water for every cocktail I consume. While this may cause me a few extra trips to the restroom each night, I try to balance my alcohol intake with water to keep myself from becoming dehydrated. A pedialyte before bed is another good choice for electrolyte replacement.

                Eating consistent food prior to alcohol consumption also helps with slowing down the processing of alcohol by the body. All this does is keep you from getting drunk very quickly, but will not help with a hangover.

                Remember, you are treating dehydration when you are hungover. There is no magic pill or greasy food that cures you. You can treat the symptoms of the dehydration with Advil, alka seltzer, etc. but your body needs water.

                Good preventative measures while consuming alcohol, or consuming less alcohol through the evening is really the absolute best way to prevent a hangover.

                But who in Vegas would do that?
                Been to Vegas too many times to count, partied in too many pools and clubs to track, but when you live so close, why wouldn't you?


                • #23
                  You are drinking to the point you get sick and you're worried a Tylenol is going to damage your liver? lol I'm not saying do this every day or every weekend, just when you feel like you've gone too far.

                  I like the Push IV idea... I'll keep that in mind but hopefully won't need it. I have a 2-drink max per night. I'm a pretty cheap date. lol That's all I can take without getting sick.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bzl View Post
                    You are drinking to the point you get sick and you're worried a Tylenol is going to damage your liver? lol I'm not saying do this every day or every weekend, just when you feel like you've gone too far.

                    I like the Push IV idea... I'll keep that in mind but hopefully won't need it. I have a 2-drink max per night. I'm a pretty cheap date. lol That's all I can take without getting sick.
                    Acetaminophen is hard on the liver. When, you liver is already overworked from metabolizing alcohol, introducing acetaminophen can cause inflammation and even damage to the liver.

                    I am not worried necessarily about a one time use. But if someone uses acetaminophen as their "go to" medication Everytime they drink, then the prolonged use over time can cause permanent damage, or lead to liver function issues later in life.

                    Also, what if someone had underlying liver/hepatic disease, which is unknown, and they put their liver through that kind of torture? It could create many different significant hepatic issues.

                    But what do I know? I've only been in medicine for 12 years. I'm still learning 😌
                    Been to Vegas too many times to count, partied in too many pools and clubs to track, but when you live so close, why wouldn't you?


                    • #25
                      I agree with you, not trying to argue. I rarely drink and only go to Vegas once a year so it's never been a problem for me. Thanks for the info.


                      • #26
                        Everyone's different, but the trick for me is to drink lots of water and avoid the sugary stuff. If I have to have a mixer that's not soda/water, then just have a splash. I rarely wake up with hangovers even when mixing alcohol types and going pretty hard.

                        Originally posted by AusVIP View Post
                        This next time around in Vegas I will be going to Push.

                        Interesting is only 1 mile walk from Cosmo across the freeway to Dean Martin Drive.

                        Quick question though... is this safe.. ie.. to walk it... i have never ventured off the strip? or best to just take the 4min-10min cab ride?
                        I would focus on hangover prevention rather than spending money on that kind of thing. If you have to go, take a cab there and back. It'll be like $6 each way.


                        • #27
                          I drink coconut water before passing out, it seems to help. Also avoid dark soda as a mixer, caffeine like red bull (but I love them!) and I try to eat late. Avoid diet soda like the plague! Something in it makes the next day much worse. Prevention is the best remedy


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by AusVIP View Post
                            This next time around in Vegas I will be going to Push.

                            Interesting is only 1 mile walk from Cosmo across the freeway to Dean Martin Drive.

                            Quick question though... is this safe.. ie.. to walk it... i have never ventured off the strip? or best to just take the 4min-10min cab ride?
                            It would be VERY dangerous to do any physical activity, especially including exposure to the Vegas sun and heat when you are already in a dehydrated state, with electrolyte deficiency.

                            You would be very susceptible to heat exhaustion or heat stroke, which could be fatal. Your body will have a decreased ability to keep itself cool when you are already dehydrated. Your body's internal temperature would rise, causing flushed skins, headache, n/v, increased heart and respiratory rates, and an electrolyte imbalance which can lead to abnormal or fatal heart dysrythmias.

                            If you find yourself in the Vegas sun and hear, and your body is not producing sweat to cool itself off, you need to get out of the sun immediately.

                            Stay out of the Vegas heat/sun when overly dehydrated or seriously hungover until you can replenish some of your list fluids.

                            Surprisingly, this happens at pool parties a lot. Going out in a seriously hungover state, consuming more alcohol without proper re-hydration, with a prolonged exposure to the sun and heat leaves many patrons suffering from beginning effects of heat exhaustion, even when at a pool party.

                            The IV method of hydration is really good, in the sense it offers normal saline right to your vascular system, avoiding the patient from having to "choke down" the water by mouth, where it could be difficult if the patient has chronic n/v. The ERs typically use a "banana bag" which is one liter of normal saline, that is mixed with vitamins, thiamine, mag sulfate, etc. That is truly the hangover cure by offering the fluid and vitamin/electrolyte replacement the body needs, delivering right to the vascular system.

                            That doc who offers that IV bus cure is really on to something. It really is the best method.
                            Last edited by justinssvc; 04-20-2014, 06:37 AM.
                            Been to Vegas too many times to count, partied in too many pools and clubs to track, but when you live so close, why wouldn't you?


                            • #29
                              Easy answer: Walmart - Baby section, diapers, baby'll find Pedialyte in liquid and powder single serve packets...get fruit punch powder...awesome taste and works wonders...just pour in bottled water and shake.


                              • #30
                                Hey justin, why don't you chill the f out. Pretty sure the point of the question was together a helpful tip or two and not hear why it's not safe to drink or be in the sun when hungover. It's vegas, I think most of us are trying to have fun and don't need a lecture from dad. Don't need to use JC to show off your medicine knowledge


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