Does it matter how your book your hotel for the sandwich to work? - Las Vegas Nightclubs - Message Board, Forum & Trip Reports

Does it matter how your book your hotel for the sandwich to work?

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  • Does it matter how your book your hotel for the sandwich to work?

    Hey guys,Im heading to Vegas in September and Im looking to attempt a sandwich but I was wondering if it matters whether I have booked my room via the hotels official website or if I have done it through a third party site such as Hotwire etc. Are they more loyal to a guest if the guest has booked with them? Or are they just concerned with the sandwich size, availability and all that?

    Only staying Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night so Im feeling confident it will pay off.

    Much appreciated

  • #2
    shouldnt matter at all .. I've used the sandwich for all types of bookings
    Next Vegas Adventure: mAyOD 14'


    • #3
      Thank you very much!


      • #4
        The sandwich pretty much goes into the clerk's own pocket, so I'm pretty sure your method of booking won't matter one bit. Availability and the clerk's attitude will be the biggest factor. Sometimes, there really isn't anything they can do (fully booked).


        • #5
          No, that doesn't matter. It has more to do with the clerk and the hotel policy.


          • #6
            My experience...

            1) the front desk clerk - if they are talkative, not uptight, younger, and female...I tend to have good luck.
            2) Sandwich amount - $20 gets you a strip view or the next upgrade, $50-$100 for suites
            3) the time you check in - later during the day (after dinner time) is the best i the majority of people will already check in, and hotels will know what rooms will be available and what is sold out.
            4) LUCK - again, there's no trick...its the right person, right moment, and your mouthpiece!
            Next trip: ???


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