Ballin' on a budget / most easy-going venues? - Las Vegas Nightclubs - Message Board, Forum & Trip Reports

Ballin' on a budget / most easy-going venues?

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  • Ballin' on a budget / most easy-going venues?

    Hey all. As I mentioned in my introduction thread, I had a health-scare recently and vowed to make more of my time on this 'blue marble'. A trip to Vegas was ordered shortly after this . I'm there on the 12th-18th October, staying at the Cosmopolitan.

    I am neither a baller, nor a shot-caller so funds are somewhat limited but that's cool with me . I just want to have an epic time, meet people and do any other crazy stuff that comes to mind (a skydive and the Stratosphere SkyJump are already on the list).

    My questions are, just how bad a plan is it to go to clubs at the last minute without contacts/being on the guest list? No doubt trying this at the super-venues on the weekend is an exceptionally bad plan, but otherwise can it work? Also, what clubs/pubs have the most relaxed, easy-going atmospheres? Finally, are there any must-do/must-visit experiences you would recommend? The crazier the better .

    Thanks for reading everyone. I'm sure some of this has been covered before so I'm working my way through the past threads. In the mean time, any suggestions/advice are gratefully received.


    PS. I'm on too. Let me know if you are.

  • #2
    From experience, rolling up at clubs without prior planning is a bit of a nightmare, the lines are unreal. Though I probably turned up at peak times. If you can get on guestlists and have a women (or two) in tow it will make your life so much easier. There are some decent deals knocking about on travelzoo and groupon, we have got a $99 for food at Nove and access to the clubs at the palms for 2.

    the Cosmo is one of the most expensive hotels on the strip so you are balling already to a degree! I decided against top end hotel to have more money to spend on booze and women! Though different strokes for different folks!

    You'll find loads of threads with recommendations but I plan on seeing the Grand Canyon and visiting the Gun Store this time as its my 4th time out there and not been to either.

    There are quite a few bars/pubs that are really relaxed where there is usually no cover and have a good vibe. Depends what you are after, Carnival Court between Harrahs and Flamingo is an outdoor bar with live music. Or you could go to a lounge type bar like Voodoo lounge in the Rio.

    So much choice, just depends on your taste!


    • #3
      I used to roll GA all the time when I was young(er) so go for it! Shit, I did GA to Tryst last year on a friday without too much trouble. Get in line SUPER early - like 9pm - and drink, chat till they let you in. In fact, you want to do a lot of pre-gaming on your own alcohol before you get hit with the $10 well drinks.

      No reason you have to spend 1k to have fun in a club!

      p.s. if you're doing a "bucket list" sort of deal right now, make sure you hit the bay area! It's like vegas.. with bums.


      • #4
        i think you'll be fine for most of the clubs. it'll be more difficult to move large groups of people through the best clubs on their hottest night without a little planning.

        ultimately its gonna come down to the company you keep. you can be at a so so place party with your boys meets some ladies and have a great time.

        vegas revolves around cash. if you got it..the skys the limit. if you don't it sucks. BUT that doesn't mean you can't have a good time with the right ppl


        • #5
          hell no, it is easy as hell. im doing my second solo trip next weekend. at worst case, easter weekend at XS the line was like 500miles long. I brought out my page of printed hosts I got from here, txted the host, offered 50$ to bypass.......and 5mins later he was walking me pass everyone like I was a big deal lmao. Other then that nah....dress up nice. I have actually been helped out quite a few times by random one time a bouncer started chatting me up because he noticed I was solo, moved me to the front of the line and put me in with a group of girls so I didnt have to wait.

          If you dont want be a baller, cancel cosmo. Stay at a place like ballys or imperial palace......hell of alot cheaper. Are you going solo? then who cares, just get a place to crash, your not going to be in your room besides to sleep and shower. save that money for the clubs$ and other things. You can easily spend 100$ for one night out which is admission and drinks.....

          and hey, ill be there from the if you wanna meet up pm me. I dont have a line up yet, i normally just wing it. might do lax sat night though.


          • #6
            >other crazy stuff that comes to mind (a skydive and the Stratosphere SkyJump are already on the list).

            <Shameless plug alert>

            You should consider stopping by CROWN and shuffle or fist pump to a few songs. Should be as daring as skydiving/jumping.
            Last edited by djmasterweb; 10-07-2011, 12:17 PM.


            • #7
              wowzers83, I saw your reply on another thread that I had posted, I too am staying at the Cosmo next weekend and plan on winging it but I was also told as long as your early enough as a guest you can get into Marquee without too much trouble and you can bring up to two guests per room. I do fancy a table and therefore bottles, may work if I can round up more soloists for next week. Manvsworld are you interested in splitting a bottle for tables, it can be pricey though hence im trying to split the table costs rather than get a solo table and be a rockstar. If anyone else is solo in vegas next weekend speak up, may get more interest.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dougiescot View Post
                wowzers83, I saw your reply on another thread that I had posted, I too am staying at the Cosmo next weekend and plan on winging it but I was also told as long as your early enough as a guest you can get into Marquee without too much trouble and you can bring up to two guests per room. I do fancy a table and therefore bottles, may work if I can round up more soloists for next week. Manvsworld are you interested in splitting a bottle for tables, it can be pricey though hence im trying to split the table costs rather than get a solo table and be a rockstar. If anyone else is solo in vegas next weekend speak up, may get more interest.
                im interested depending on costs. gotta get more, or maybe get a host to pair us up with another small group.


                • #9
                  Since you are here for a week I would try to hit up industry nights at the more popular clubs. Seems like GA is cheaper those nights (can any hosts confirm/deny this?)


                  • #10
                    Awesome, thanks so much for the replies everyone, I really appreciate it. I got a decent discount on the Cosmo and I will be spending a decent amount of time there during the week as in theory I am still supposed to be recuperating .

                    Grand Canyon and Gun Store are definitely on the list. I don't have car hire sorted, but I'm tempted to hire something fancy just for a day to do the round trip. I now have a friend joining me on the trip so can share the driving/costs.

                    Just watched the video on The Crown website. I have no idea what that music is or what's going on, so it could be worth a go .

                    RE: bottle/table service, any ideas what the rough cost would be for that?

                    Cheers !


                    • #11
                      Absolutely loving my first few days in Vegas. It's an amazing place. The Cosmopolitan and my terrace suite is fantastic too- an awesome place to call my temporary home.

                      Is anyone out in the clubs Sat-Mon night this week and around to meet up?


                      • #12
                        It doesn't hurt to touch base with a host and tell them you got their info from this site and see if they can help you out with guestlist if you're solo. Some hosts will help you out if its only one person, otherwise you might need to convince a couple of girls that if they walk in with you they can skip the line/cover charge and offer to buy them a drink.

                        The worst thing I've seen about waiting in GA is the time it takes to get in. For example, I've been to the Bank twice through GA/Guestlist. The first time (wife and I) we didn't talk to a host and we had to wait about 30 minutes in a large crowd before we got in and I had to pay full cover, the second time the host told us he could get us in for a 1:1 ratio (we had 3 girls, 2 guys) and cover was waived, the girls got open bar, and we were whisked in right away through the VIP line.

                        You don't have to be a baller to get good service, like someone else said, touch base and take care of a host and you'll get great treatment.


                        • #13
                          IMHO - Rok Vegas is a sure thing fun and cheap time for a starter club in NYNY. The best advice is to link up with a host on here, stick with them, and they'll make sure you have a great time. Other stuff in Vegas - Pawn Store from that one show, Gun Store is a sh!t show line sometimes too so plan ahead and have ID ready if you want to shoot. For dinner on the cheap grab pizza and walk as much as possible. Stick to the guys on this site - it really looks like they know their stuff in this city.


                          • #14
                            yes agreed... what is a budget to you??? $$$ per night?
                            Mikey T
                            Vegas legend
                            Former Doorman of PURE, LAX, Surrender, EBC

                            New position in Las Vegas PENDING

                            Socal Networks!



                            • #15
                              Im down to kick it if you want to hit me up


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