A day in the life of a host - Las Vegas Nightclubs - Message Board, Forum & Trip Reports

A day in the life of a host

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  • BlackPetaa
    started a topic A day in the life of a host

    A day in the life of a host

    I'm interested in just learning more about the business this is mainly addressed to anthony and noah. What types of things do you guys do each day to get ready for your specific club nights? what are your typical days and nights like? what are some of the job duties you have to perform? How did you guys get your start in the industry?
    I just want to learn a little bit more about the LV industry

  • BlackPetaa
    Originally posted by WarreN View Post
    Anthony has answered a bunch already but this would definitely be an interesting interview/article on the main site. "A Day in the life of a VIP Host - Jack Colton sits down with so and so"
    Id be down to conduct an interview afterall I started this thread, It would be cool to get low down details on hosts from several different clubs as well as some of the other nightlife positions, because it isn't really a topic you can do a random google search on and come up with an answer.

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  • IRockNvegas
    Originally posted by tc3 View Post
    Originally posted by Brett Stevens View Post
    Definitely needs to be changed. I've texted and e-mailed JRoc about 5 or 6 times over the last year and he hasn't responded once.

    Exactly why Anthony should be listed. I don't think your gonna find anyone with a better response time.
    We have been very lucky to have hosts that are in touch and in tune with the members on the forums. Some come and go but the love for them is always there.

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  • IRockNvegas
    There should be a link on the main page to this topic as a featured forum topic.

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  • WarreN
    Anthony has answered a bunch already but this would definitely be an interesting interview/article on the main site. "A Day in the life of a VIP Host - Jack Colton sits down with so and so"

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  • shrimp123
    +1 on Anthony, I wish all hosts I've texted were as responsive as him

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  • tc3
    Originally posted by Brett Stevens View Post
    Definitely needs to be changed. I've texted and e-mailed JRoc about 5 or 6 times over the last year and he hasn't responded once.

    Exactly why Anthony should be listed. I don't think your gonna find anyone with a better response time.

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  • Brett Stevens
    Definitely needs to be changed. I've texted and e-mailed JRoc about 5 or 6 times over the last year and he hasn't responded once.

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  • presto
    Originally posted by AnthonyHyde View Post
    Originally posted by NoahRam View Post
    Originally posted by tc3 View Post
    Quick question........ With all of the free invaluable advice that Anthony provides to this forum why isnt he listed as the main contact for HYDE???

    When you browse through threads you see some of the other host contacts dont answer emails, return calls, follow up, etc... Lots of complaints......

    Wasnt JROC from the Pauly D show listed as a host??? Yikes, I wouldnt want that dude arranging my night.

    I'm sure other members will chime in and agree with me.
    Lol, JRoc was the VIP Services Manager (Head of all the hosts) for Palms if I remember right. I used to go through him for everything Vegas like a year or 2 ago. I haven't seen the show, but I can only imagine based on how you said it. He's currently corporate with SBE I believe (Anthony would know better).
    Just a heads up... whenever you see "VIP Services Manager" on someones card or job description, it simply means HOST. Not a manager in any way. Managers are "Host Manager" or "Director of ________" The title VIP Services Manager started at Drais, and carried over to XS and Tryst when they were affiliated. When i worked for XS we had a meeting about how the hotel was pissed that all of our cards said "Manager" on them so they made us change our title. Some clubs still use VIP Services Manager for all of their hosts.

    As for JRoc he was the Director of Special Events at Palms when he left, and is currently doing his thing with MTV right now. He will be back at SBE when he is done, but he is super busy right now and traveling a lot!

    I appreciate the shout out to be on the main page, and obviously would love to be, but like very one else on that list, I'm waiting my turn in line lol.
    id say if hes too busy to take care of the members on here (and it sounds like he is with the tv show(?) and traveling), then that contact needs to change

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  • gamepube
    What a great thread!
    Thanks so much for the info guys!

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  • AnthonyHyde
    Originally posted by Lord Chezz View Post

    Youre a class act, Tony (can I call you Tony?).

    I look forward to shaking your hand in 10 days.
    yeaaa buddy!

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  • Lord Chezz

    Youre a class act, Tony (can I call you Tony?).

    I look forward to shaking your hand in 10 days.

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  • ItsNotYouItsMe
    Thanks for the the insight and information from all the contributors. Also, thank you to the op for starting this thread this info is quite interesting.

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  • AnthonyHyde
    Originally posted by NoahRam View Post
    Originally posted by tc3 View Post
    Quick question........ With all of the free invaluable advice that Anthony provides to this forum why isnt he listed as the main contact for HYDE???

    When you browse through threads you see some of the other host contacts dont answer emails, return calls, follow up, etc... Lots of complaints......

    Wasnt JROC from the Pauly D show listed as a host??? Yikes, I wouldnt want that dude arranging my night.

    I'm sure other members will chime in and agree with me.
    Lol, JRoc was the VIP Services Manager (Head of all the hosts) for Palms if I remember right. I used to go through him for everything Vegas like a year or 2 ago. I haven't seen the show, but I can only imagine based on how you said it. He's currently corporate with SBE I believe (Anthony would know better).
    Just a heads up... whenever you see "VIP Services Manager" on someones card or job description, it simply means HOST. Not a manager in any way. Managers are "Host Manager" or "Director of ________" The title VIP Services Manager started at Drais, and carried over to XS and Tryst when they were affiliated. When i worked for XS we had a meeting about how the hotel was pissed that all of our cards said "Manager" on them so they made us change our title. Some clubs still use VIP Services Manager for all of their hosts.

    As for JRoc he was the Director of Special Events at Palms when he left, and is currently doing his thing with MTV right now. He will be back at SBE when he is done, but he is super busy right now and traveling a lot!

    I appreciate the shout out to be on the main page, and obviously would love to be, but like very one else on that list, I'm waiting my turn in line lol.

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  • NoahRam
    Sorry, I'm just now getting to reading this thread...

    Past info: Started promotions in Hollywood 4 years ago with a company called Hollywood Clique and opened a lot of small spots. Ended up going independent for a bit doing places like Les Deux Hollywood when celebs were always out partying hard and reality TV was getting big. Then joined a new company as a promoter and eventually worked my way up to Managing Partner with that independent promotions company and running the door at Les Deux and The Kress Rooftop. Worked with Playhouse off and on since they opened. Ran around with random celebs, socialites, and overall drunk messes. This lasted a little over 2 years. Then I went independent again doing Playhouse, Supperclub, Roxbury, and a few SBE spots for a bit until a month and a half ago I joined the inhouse team with Marquee.

    Day-to-Day: a whole lot of texts! lol. I contact regulars, people that send me referrals, go through my schedules, browse Facebook and Twitter, see what big parties are going on and who's doing what, go by the office most days, talk with other teammates, walk/feed the dogs, eat/sleep/etc, talk to other hosts and promoters just to touchbase, and probably a whole lot more my brains not registering as important.

    Money: starting it won't be great and definitely don't rely on it for any sort of main income. once you start getting decent at your job then you can consider it a part-time gig for decent cash. once you get good and go full-time it'll either be just enough or a hell of a lot depending on how much time effort and dedication you put into it just like anything else.

    Most promoters/hosts I know spend a lot of money on other partys and hosting as well including myself. When we're not working we're probably out somewhere and probably spending money on drinks and food taking care of others. It's a blessing and a curse to be in the business of making sure others are happy and taken care of lol.

    EDIT: One phone (BlackBerry), have small amount of notes but most of it's in my head or past texts/emails.
    Last edited by NoahRam; 05-22-2012, 04:43 AM.

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