april 4th and april 5th looking to split bottles - Las Vegas Nightclubs - Message Board, Forum & Trip Reports

april 4th and april 5th looking to split bottles

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  • april 4th and april 5th looking to split bottles

    another user and I are going to be in vegas that weekend with a girl friend of my who will be celebrating her 21st there so we're def going to be partying hard! we're getting bottles at hakk for calvin harris and friday we are up to getting bottles too. ive got a good quote for saturday and could even move to dance floor with couple more people.

    pm me if anyone is interested.

  • #2
    Hi astro
    I tried pm'ing you but it says you do not have any space left. I'm down for Friday night. Any club pick yet?


    • #3
      Astro I tried pming you back but you pm box is full. What u have planned for Saturday. I'm interested and have a few guys I'm pming that might be interested too .
      Vegas Trip count: 32


      • #4
        I'll be in town April 2-6. Hit me up if you wanna split bottles


        • #5
          Sorry guys I just cleared my inbox feel free to text me at 2817774330 also


          • #6
            Were doing.hakk for Saturday. Were thinking a good pavilion table 2.5k minimum


            • #7
              Where is the 2.5K table? Done BS there a couple times and both locations weren't great in that price range. In my opinion if you are going to spend 2.5K on a saturday, go to a Tier 1.5 spot and have a premo table vs a lame table at Hakk or Light.
              Vegas Trip count: 32


              • #8
                Originally posted by sh_ View Post
                Where is the 2.5K table? Done BS there a couple times and both locations weren't great in that price range. In my opinion if you are going to spend 2.5K on a saturday, go to a Tier 1.5 spot and have a premo table vs a lame table at Hakk or Light.

                Agreed. My group did not realize that until last year. A dance floor table at a tier 1.5 club is way better than a lame table at a tier 1 club. We are all kicking ourselves for not realizing that for years.


                • #9
                  the pav room at hakk is great actually. i would much rather be there then the headache of the main room plus there are some really good tables there. i have to check what number we have booked


                  • #10
                    I have my own thread going but a buddy and I will also be there during that time and are interested.


                    • #11
                      Anyone considering A-Trak at Light on Friday, April 4th?
                      I'll be out there 4/2 and leaving either 4/4 or 4/5.
                      Will likely be solo if I stay on 4/4 and with a co-worker 4/2 and 4/3.... looking for options on those dates too.

                      (FWIW ... 35yo male, coworker is same. Potential for having a friend(girl) of mine in Vegas join.)

                      Astro ... you from/in Htown? Longhorn and hs in Houston myself.
                      at least 1 trip to Vegas every year since 2003 SuperBowl weekend...


                      • #12
                        we're open minded to anything on friday, did you contact noah for tables friday? ill shooot you a pm right now


                        • #13
                          Hit me up when you get info on a table


                          • #14
                            so we're looking at 3k for everything for saturday in a good pav room and friday we're still open. so far we have we two people confirmed


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by astros148 View Post
                              so we're looking at 3k for everything for saturday in a good pav room and friday we're still open. so far we have we two people confirmed
                              I am taking a solo trip to Vegas 3-6 looking to meet up and go out a couple nights.


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