XXX Themed Restaurant? - Las Vegas Nightclubs - Message Board, Forum & Trip Reports

XXX Themed Restaurant?

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  • XXX Themed Restaurant?

    Right, ive been trailing the net and cant find any xxx themed restaurant in vegas with topless servers.

    Am planning a bachelor party for the end of June and need to book a dinner for one night. Can anyone help me or is what im looking for non-existent?

  • #2
    Some of the strip clubs have pretty good steak, believe it or not. You could do a mid-afternoon special - just reach out to the strip club contacts on the main page of JC.
    Vegas Trips to-date:
    November 12-13, 2008 - Palms Standard
    March 18-22, 2009 - MGM Grand Bungalow Suite
    April 22-26, 2010 - MGM Grand Bungalow Suite
    June 2-6, 2011 - Venetian Bella Suite
    June 21-26, 2012 - Cosmopolitan Wraparound Terrace Suite

    "Gambling - the sure way of getting nothing for something."


    • #3
      Treasures is a steakhouse and a strip club. I haven't been there but I've heard you can arrange for a free limo ride there (but you're on your own for the taxi back). I'm not sure if you can see the dancers from the dining room but you can head over and check out the girls between courses.


      • #4
        Thanks for your answers. Been searching a bit more and it seems that its against the law in Nevada to have a restaurant with topless servers.

        Open to the idea of dinner at a strip club but looking for a restaurant with a bit more of a fun vibe. I find strip clubs a bit too serious.

        How about any Hooter style eateries?


        • #5
          Umm Hooters it self? Is there an Earl's in Vegas? They usually have some talent working. With the amount of talent in Vegas, there are tons of places with great looking wait staffs.


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